Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here Are My Thoughts About What Can Help a Blogger

here is some thing i think you will find useful.

you need to develop the right attitude in your online endeavour. one of the things you need to have is a good thought process going for you in all you do. by this i mean u shoul alway be positive and optimistic in al you do online. realise that it takes time to achive great things.

always be teachable. be ready to learn and practicalise what you learn. you see ypur online success is information driven. however, being informed alone is not enough. it is taking action as and when neccessary that will always be the saving grace any day.

then the last thing i want to say is to be persistent in what you do. remeber that age long cliche: 'winers never quit and quiters never win'. that just the secret hang on and burn al the bridges behind you if neccessary.

with these things and other important thoughts you will gain along the as you run your blog the sky is not your limit but i make bold to say it is your starting point.

Writing a Decent Blog and an Enjoyable one

It seems that everyone is doing it lately. Writing a blog I mean. What is the attraction and what are they supposed to do for you or for the people reading them?
Blog writing is a bit like having a personal diary with extra bits or widgets as they are fondly known online. Remember when you were younger and you kept a secret diary or if you're a man think back to when your teacher asked you to write a chapter for English about your last vacation.
The point is you tried your hardest to make it as exciting as you could. You didn't drivel on for hours about the tea you had at your Aunties house, no, it was all about the circus coming to town and the boys you hated or loved depending on which sex you are. Blogs should be like that.
It's common knowledge now that websites are moving more and more towards blog style with content management being the buzz word of the day. If you can't control your own site then how are you going to get your thoughts out there to ensure that your customers know you? They do need to know you, after all people do business with people they like and people they trust and what better way to get them into your world than blogging?
Blogging isn't difficult. Go to a site like WordPress and register. Choose a template and follow the instructions. The trick is to think about what you want to blog about and why. Do you want to talk about yourself or your product or business? Is the site for your clients, family and friends or yourself? What do you have to offer that will interest them?
Try to choose a single minded topic like your hobby eg: chess, music, watching celebrities or showcase your business from a personal angle.
In your blog you'll have the opportunity to tailor make the header and title and you'll be able to add pages to it for people to search through at leisure. So if it's chess you're talking about you may want pages on tournament dates and another on results.
What really drives blogs are the posts. These are your daily or weekly entries. A diary of events if you like. It's important to do them regularly as your browsers (call them potential clients) will return on a regular basis if they like what they read and here's where social marketing tools such as Twitter come in. If you link your blog to twitter then browsers can ask to be kept up to date with your musings on twitter and you can post tweets (a sentence) on twitter to inform them of what's new in your blog!
It's important to write from the heart on a blog and keep it entertaining by putting pictures and video clips on where you can. Also, remember to put your own photo on for a better response. This is about networking and trust after all and you can't trust someone you can't see. Once you start blogging you'll get right into it and begin to realize the opportunity it represents.
You don't have to do all that hard work yourself, though there are people out there who will write for you from just a few guidelines and you can find content in sites like EzineArticles.com. Once you start though it's important that you constantly update your posts and content to ensure that your blog is successful. Link it to your website and it'll drive traffic to your site as well.
A good copywriter should be able to help you develop a blog that suits your personality and enhance your message to your audience even if it's only family and friends. Read their blog and if it made you pay attention, laugh or want to go back and read more then hire them because they know what they're doing!
Jane van Velsen is a writer of blogs for clients keeping them up to date with refreshing content in the character of the owner of the blog. She writes copy, books, children's stories, advertising copy, articles, online content, SEO copy, press releases, marketing proposals, letters and trains in website networking, blogs, social networking and new business development. Her experience is from the advertising industry spanning fifteen years.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Van_Velsen

Use Of Comments Can Generate Massive Traffic to Your Blog

Do you know that creating backlinks to your site or blog is one of the many effective traffic generating strategy online? Do you also know that comenting on post that you read in other peoples' blogs is a free way to generate massive traffic to your blog? okay the author whose article will expound this information is ALLEN T GREGORY.


''Have you ever been to someone's blog that you really liked? Sure. Have you ever left a comment on someone's blog? Sure you have. Well guess what? This is a great way for you to get some of that traffic back to your blog.

Comment Marketing

'First let's talk about the psychology of comment marketing. If you're like most people then you would rather read a blog post that has comments as opposed to one that doesn't. But why? Well for one thing, it shows that the blog is alive and has other people reading it. And if that's the case, whatever is going on in that post must be pretty good or otherwise no one would be leaving comments.
'It also means that the blog may not be getting any traffic. But we are about to discuss how to change that.

'Some people (like myself) read the comments before we even read the blog post. And from a marketing point of view that's very powerful. Let me explain why.

If people are reading comments before they are reading the blog post then that says that these people have something to say as well but they want to see what other people are saying first. Most people won't admit this, but it's exactly what's happening and I do it all the time.

Most people that leave comments don't have blogs of their own. You know that little box that says 'website' when you fill in your name and email before you leave a comment? That's where you leave the web address of your blog. When you do that it creates a link back to your website.

But let's take it one step further. If you leave a great comment and someone clicks on your face and/or name instead of clicking the 'reply to' button then that person will be forwarded to the web address that you left in the website box when you posted your comment in most cases. And when that happens you just got someone to come to your blog for free.

Now let's take this concept and blow it out a little more. If you can leave comments on a bunch of different blogs and put in your web address each time you will drive a consistent amount of traffic back to your blog. But the point is to leave comments with your website address on blogs that talk about the same thing you talk about on your blog. When you leave a consistent stream of comments, readers of each blog will begin to look forward to your comments and drive themselves right over to your blog.

This is also a great way to get the attention of the blog owner. What if that blog owner started looking for you and wanted you to write guest posts on his or her blog and vice versa? That would be a great relationship that both of you would benefit from. It serves as a blog readership swap of sorts. This is one of the greatest ways to build an online relationship that there is.

The key is to provide valuable information in the comments and put other people first. You can easily find blogs that talk about what you talk about by going over to Google and typing in the words, 'blog directory'. You will get a bunch of results. Pick a few of the top ones. Type in your subject in the search box (e.g. dog training) and start looking for cool blogs.

If you take the advice in this article and apply it consistently you will be well on your way to becoming an authority figure for your topic.

Allen T Gregory is a Home-Based Business Owner and wants to make YOU his next success story. For more information and informative, helpful tips to help you grow your business. Please visit him at:



Content sure is king:but there are somethings about the content on your blog that can endear your visitors on blog to you. in this post we will share in the article by David Walker who is experienced enough to tell us that originality can be of great advantage when blogging.


When we take a look around the internet, especially in regard to "How to write a good blog" it is easy to see that almost everyone will be saying, "Content is King".

This means the quality of the content is a very important ingredient in determining if your blog will be average, good, or great, and of course the greater it can be, the more people will recognize it, and traffic will bring sales.

The misconception, particularly with new people, is that you need to be a professional in your field in order to write great content. This could not be further from the truth. People don't always want to hear about the "professional" viewpoint, and I for one write a lot of content that is based purely on personal experience.

It adds an element of "realism" into the blog content, and most people not only relate to that, they are encouraged by the honesty and the personal, yet experienced approach.

To write a good blog, you only need to writing from your own experiences. As an internet marketer who may be dealing with the "Make Money Online" niche, your biggest content asset, is the experience you have had in this area, the things that you have opinions on in this area, and your own perception of things to come.

We all have opinions, and we all have ideas, and it could be that alone that creates the best blog on the internet for you.

People will come to see whatever is interesting, and dealing with the internet marketing niche, is always full of great content to write about.

To write a good blog, you only need to join a couple of the big IM forums and listen to (or read) the latest topics being discussed, to form your own opinion, which leads to a great article on your blog. You can even link your blog from these forums so they other members will click on your link to see what it is you are saying.

Whatever topic you like to talk about, there is a market out there already talking about it, and you have as much experience or interest in it as they do.

Write about what you are passionate about, and people will come to read it. It then becomes not an issue of how well you know your subject, but how well you write about it. Involve your readers, and they will stay involved.

Even if this is your second year online and you have never made a sale that is reason to write a good blog.

Many millions of people will relate to this subject and they will feel the same way you do. People who can relate to your story are more likely to subscribe to your site, and bingo, from a story of a lack of success, you begin to create success.

Remember that like attracts like!

Invite people to read your story and you will find your ability to write a good blog has always been there. You just needed a reason to exploit it, and some encouragement from this article.

Writing a good blog is just the start! Great content alone is NOT enough to put money in your bank account!

I reveal the RIGHT way to write a good blog, but also a cash generating blog in my FREE ebook Stop Slogging Start Blogging as well as many other secrets the six figure professional bloggers use to make huge sums of money from their blogs! If you want to find out more about me, David Walker, you are welcome to visit my blog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Walker


One of the main reasons for this blog is to be able to teach bloggers one or two things on how to run their blogs or network of blogs successfuly. In this post i will be doing just that. I came across an article that i think bloggers will find useful and intresting. Just enjoy it and leave any comment you might have.

It seems like blogging is becoming increasingly more popular lately. Along with the popularity, many have discovered that they can "cash in" and actually make money while doing something they love. Others have turned it into a full time job and make a very good living at it.

There are two kinds of blogs. The first kind is the hosted blog on your own site where the user installs a script and sets everything up. Many hosting companies today have wizards that will walk you through the process with little to no experience. The other type of blog, the one I will be focusing on in this article are free blogs.

If you are on a very small or zero budget, you are probably looking for a way to start making money on the internet, this is an excellent way to start. I continue to make a steady income with some free blog sites I set up when I first started. Enough of the fluff, let's get down to the nuts and bolts.

Where To Start

There are several free blogs available today where you can set up for free. Two of the most popular are Word Press and Blogger. Both of these sites will allow you to create a blog for free.

First, determine how you are going make your money. Are you going to promote products through affiliate links, Google AdSense or both. I personally always do both. Why? If the visitor doesn't click on my product I am trying to sell, maybe they will click on one of the Ads where I will still get a portion of the money.

1. Start by finding a couple of affiliate products that you would like to try and sell and that will give you a good idea of what to name your blog and set it up. Once created, post at least 6 articles to your blog regarding the product or products you are trying to promote.

2. Next is setting up AdSense. If you search for this on Google, you will find all of the information needed to get you going or if you chose Blogger to create your site, they have a built in wizard and no further setup is needed.

3. Make sure you have all of your affiliate links set up

4. Submit your blog to as many feed directories as possible.

5. Comment in social forums leaving your anchor and creating a backlink.

6. Sign up for a free account with Yahoo and add your RSS to the feed. You can do this under the "My account" section.

7. Go to MSN, create an account and set up your RSS feed with them

8. Continue to post at least one article per day for the first week. (Depending on the niche you selected, you may already start to see some action)

Keep in mind that it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to start seeing action on your site. Once the traffic starts to come in, you can reduce your postings to once a week and eventually they will be on autopilot. I make money with free blogs I set up over two years ago and they have not been touched in well over a year.

Good luck to you and happy blogging.

Josh has been writing online for a couple of years. His latest site loft beds for kids was inspired by his daughter while searching for cheap loft beds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Bryant