Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Writing a Decent Blog and an Enjoyable one

It seems that everyone is doing it lately. Writing a blog I mean. What is the attraction and what are they supposed to do for you or for the people reading them?
Blog writing is a bit like having a personal diary with extra bits or widgets as they are fondly known online. Remember when you were younger and you kept a secret diary or if you're a man think back to when your teacher asked you to write a chapter for English about your last vacation.
The point is you tried your hardest to make it as exciting as you could. You didn't drivel on for hours about the tea you had at your Aunties house, no, it was all about the circus coming to town and the boys you hated or loved depending on which sex you are. Blogs should be like that.
It's common knowledge now that websites are moving more and more towards blog style with content management being the buzz word of the day. If you can't control your own site then how are you going to get your thoughts out there to ensure that your customers know you? They do need to know you, after all people do business with people they like and people they trust and what better way to get them into your world than blogging?
Blogging isn't difficult. Go to a site like WordPress and register. Choose a template and follow the instructions. The trick is to think about what you want to blog about and why. Do you want to talk about yourself or your product or business? Is the site for your clients, family and friends or yourself? What do you have to offer that will interest them?
Try to choose a single minded topic like your hobby eg: chess, music, watching celebrities or showcase your business from a personal angle.
In your blog you'll have the opportunity to tailor make the header and title and you'll be able to add pages to it for people to search through at leisure. So if it's chess you're talking about you may want pages on tournament dates and another on results.
What really drives blogs are the posts. These are your daily or weekly entries. A diary of events if you like. It's important to do them regularly as your browsers (call them potential clients) will return on a regular basis if they like what they read and here's where social marketing tools such as Twitter come in. If you link your blog to twitter then browsers can ask to be kept up to date with your musings on twitter and you can post tweets (a sentence) on twitter to inform them of what's new in your blog!
It's important to write from the heart on a blog and keep it entertaining by putting pictures and video clips on where you can. Also, remember to put your own photo on for a better response. This is about networking and trust after all and you can't trust someone you can't see. Once you start blogging you'll get right into it and begin to realize the opportunity it represents.
You don't have to do all that hard work yourself, though there are people out there who will write for you from just a few guidelines and you can find content in sites like EzineArticles.com. Once you start though it's important that you constantly update your posts and content to ensure that your blog is successful. Link it to your website and it'll drive traffic to your site as well.
A good copywriter should be able to help you develop a blog that suits your personality and enhance your message to your audience even if it's only family and friends. Read their blog and if it made you pay attention, laugh or want to go back and read more then hire them because they know what they're doing!
Jane van Velsen is a writer of blogs for clients keeping them up to date with refreshing content in the character of the owner of the blog. She writes copy, books, children's stories, advertising copy, articles, online content, SEO copy, press releases, marketing proposals, letters and trains in website networking, blogs, social networking and new business development. Her experience is from the advertising industry spanning fifteen years.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Van_Velsen

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