Friday, October 9, 2009

Blogging For Money - 3 Tips on Blogging For Money

i will soon come with articles on the series but while that is waiting let us learn from this ezine expert

Blogging is an awesome web platform that is used and can be used in many different ways to make money online or even used just to build your reputation. While at the same time drive targeted search traffic to your own product or site.

So basically Blogging can make you money if done correctly.

So what is Blogging?

Blogs are content management system where the newest content is posted and seen first. The content is usually posted in the order from the date it was posted and so on with the ability to put items on the sidebars for advertisements and promotions. While the home page is where the new content is shown depending on how the site is set up.

Blogs offer the capability for your visitors to contribute comments on your site and individual articles. This gives your site a real sense of connection and a social interaction among your visitors which creates a community.

Something you would want to create if you are looking to make money from blogging.

Blogging has become the mainstream content management system of choice because of how easy it is to use and access. To get started blogging you do not have to know a lot about it to be able to start posting content. It is very, very user friendly and once you have some simple graphics set up and a couple of posts. You could easily begin seeing some traffic pour into your site to begin to monetize it.

Depending on what niche you choose and on the competition you could become an authority very fast and start making some money.

Here are my three keys to help you create a successful blog:

1.Make sure you choose word press as your blogging platform

There are many different blogging platforms from blogger to typepad and the list goes on. WordPress can take a bit longer to learn then the other ones, but the things that are possible with WordPress far outweigh the other ones. WordPress offers you the ability to fully customize it and tweak it your style and make it unique. You are also able to install your own plugins and make it really cool!

2.Posting Fresh Content is A Must for a Successful Blog.

Blogs need to be updated every week and better yet everyday .Posting content to your blog should be an effort of yours to commit to. Something you might want to establish a routine for. Creating fresh content will help to increase your traffic and give you higher rankings if used in conjunction with a Seo strategy.

There are plugins you could use to upload content to your site every day if you are not able to manually so that way your content stays fresh and up to date all the time. You should also plan your topics and publish accordingly to your Blogs topic.

3.Begin To monetize your blog.

Selling ad space on your blog is a quick and easy way to start making some loot. You could also sell affiliate products on your site or even use contextual advertising as a way of generating some income. If they click on the link you get paid for the lead per click!

The many opportunities out there for blogging is limitless so just take action and start blogging!

Now I would like to invite you to learn more about blogging by visiting to learn how to make a ton of money blogging. The Right Way!