As this year 2010 is coming to an end a savvy enterpreneur would have taken stock or be taking stock and then be ready or would be ready to take the next year 2011 by the horn. He should have mapped out how to achieve those things he was not able to this year. I want to mention three steps that will enable him achieve his target this new year that will arrive in a matter of days from now. I want to state that these are useful to newbies aswell as webmasters. Its meant to help the newbies have a good headstart in their business journey online and for the webmasters to turbocharge to the next level of desired achievement. These steps are natural or common-sensical but, as the saying goes common sense is not common. Thus the need for writing this post.
Let's set the ball rolling...
1. Have the right mindset.
This is more of your outlook for 2011. You have to set a goal or objective for your online endeavour. Make sure, however, that your goal is a SMART goal: you've heard of this acrony before; haven't you? It means that your goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed. Here is an example of a SMART goal "to get 1500 visitor daily to a particular site of yours by the 1st of may 2011. This goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed ( the time to achive the goal is on or before). This is just an instance, you can choose any of your online changel and set a SMART goal(s) to help you solve the problem it represents.
2. Have a plan.
Map out a plan on how to achive your goal. Ask yourself questions and get answers to them and form a plan of action that you will take based on the answer to the questions you asked. Question like "what do i need to achieve my objective(s)? What organisation or person or association is/are the best to help me? Do i need financing? For what do i need financing? How and when do i get the materials or money that i need? e.t.c. As you seek answer to this questions and more relevant ones you will see a plan crstallise. Then do the very important last thing...
3. Take action.
You have the smart goal and a the apropriate plan in place now go for the kill by taking action. It is the action taker that is the result getter. At some times you will find out that you achive more in a shorter time than you planned. It pays a great deal to act on a SMART goal that is backed by a relevant plan of action. The things to keep a flexible mind so that it will be possible for you to change or modify your plan when necessary. I tell you in order to achieve your set objective/goal you might need to change your plan(s) several times. Be ready and you will succeed. I see you succeeding online this new year if you get more organized and strategic.