Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Use Of Comments Can Generate Massive Traffic to Your Blog

Do you know that creating backlinks to your site or blog is one of the many effective traffic generating strategy online? Do you also know that comenting on post that you read in other peoples' blogs is a free way to generate massive traffic to your blog? okay the author whose article will expound this information is ALLEN T GREGORY.


''Have you ever been to someone's blog that you really liked? Sure. Have you ever left a comment on someone's blog? Sure you have. Well guess what? This is a great way for you to get some of that traffic back to your blog.

Comment Marketing

'First let's talk about the psychology of comment marketing. If you're like most people then you would rather read a blog post that has comments as opposed to one that doesn't. But why? Well for one thing, it shows that the blog is alive and has other people reading it. And if that's the case, whatever is going on in that post must be pretty good or otherwise no one would be leaving comments.
'It also means that the blog may not be getting any traffic. But we are about to discuss how to change that.

'Some people (like myself) read the comments before we even read the blog post. And from a marketing point of view that's very powerful. Let me explain why.

If people are reading comments before they are reading the blog post then that says that these people have something to say as well but they want to see what other people are saying first. Most people won't admit this, but it's exactly what's happening and I do it all the time.

Most people that leave comments don't have blogs of their own. You know that little box that says 'website' when you fill in your name and email before you leave a comment? That's where you leave the web address of your blog. When you do that it creates a link back to your website.

But let's take it one step further. If you leave a great comment and someone clicks on your face and/or name instead of clicking the 'reply to' button then that person will be forwarded to the web address that you left in the website box when you posted your comment in most cases. And when that happens you just got someone to come to your blog for free.

Now let's take this concept and blow it out a little more. If you can leave comments on a bunch of different blogs and put in your web address each time you will drive a consistent amount of traffic back to your blog. But the point is to leave comments with your website address on blogs that talk about the same thing you talk about on your blog. When you leave a consistent stream of comments, readers of each blog will begin to look forward to your comments and drive themselves right over to your blog.

This is also a great way to get the attention of the blog owner. What if that blog owner started looking for you and wanted you to write guest posts on his or her blog and vice versa? That would be a great relationship that both of you would benefit from. It serves as a blog readership swap of sorts. This is one of the greatest ways to build an online relationship that there is.

The key is to provide valuable information in the comments and put other people first. You can easily find blogs that talk about what you talk about by going over to Google and typing in the words, 'blog directory'. You will get a bunch of results. Pick a few of the top ones. Type in your subject in the search box (e.g. dog training) and start looking for cool blogs.

If you take the advice in this article and apply it consistently you will be well on your way to becoming an authority figure for your topic.

Allen T Gregory is a Home-Based Business Owner and wants to make YOU his next success story. For more information and informative, helpful tips to help you grow your business. Please visit him at:


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